Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Fall Fun!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Slumber Party!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Gypsy Mama
Friday, November 13, 2009
The (Not So Easy) Easy Bake Oven
Step 1 of the instructions says to mix the cookie graham mix with 2 teaspoons of water. Thinking it was easier if I just did this part, I added the water and then Gracelyn stirred everything up.
Once I figured out how to correct my mistake and the graham cookie smore cake was finished baking, we were finally ready for the birthday party to start. Gracelyn invited all of her Webkinz, Faith and Grant - her friend from the neighborhood - over to celebrate. We lit a birthday candle and stuck it in the cake and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Mittens and Gracelyn blew out the candle. . . . Then we had to do it all over again so that Grant could have a chance to blow out the candle too.
I'm pretty sure that Mittens had the best birthday party that any Webkinz has ever had. Here is a picture of what the cookies were supposed to look like and of how the cookie/cake actually ended up looking.
And, here is a picture of Faith's favorite part of the birthday party. She spent most of the party trying to eat "Star", one of the party guests. My guess is that Star won't want to come to another one of our parties ever again. Oh well - Her loss!
Six Months & Standing!!
Although Faith has not shown much enthusiasm for eating Rice Cereal, she does enjoy a good cereal bottle once a day. This seems to fill her up pretty good and it gives her a chance to get used to feeding herself. Here is a picture - She took to holding her own bottle from the first day I tried to give her one at around 4 1/2 months.
And here is Faith's favorite new game. One-by-one, she likes to stuff all of the toys on her excersaucer down through the leg holes of the seat - while her legs are in it. Sometimes they get stuck and create quite a toy-jam but she doesn't seem to mind. Every once in awhile I will pull a few of them out and put them back on the top of the excersaucer and she will continue to be entertained as long as she doesn't run out of toys to stick around her in the seat.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Playing with Nathan
Here are some pictures of Nathan playing with his tractors and Faith laughing at Nathan.
Sweet Potatoes & Spelling Tests

Friday, November 6, 2009
Kids Say the Darndest Things!
Also, here are some pictures that we took at the zoo:
This is the first year that we have gone to ZooBoo! The zoo was decorated for Halloween and there were alot of fun Fall/Halloween activities to enjoy. Almost all of the kids there were dressed in their Halloween costumes, which made the sport of people watching my favorite part of this trip. We also went trick-or-treating through the Plains Exhibit, watched the penguin feeding, petted the sharks in the shark tank, jumped in a haunted bounce house, went pumpkin bowling, saw the Spooky Dolphin Show, rode the 4-D Dinosaur Ride twice, and took a ride on the Abracazebra Express Train. The train ride was pretty neat. It stopped three different times and at each stop they put on a little Halloween skit with full costumes. We probably spend more time at the zoo on this trip then we ever have on one trip to the zoo before. We were there from 2:30-7pm but it was definitely worth it!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thought I would share. . .
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me and My Blog
- Faith had her 6-Month Well Baby Appointment and she has finally started to gain weight. She is now in the 9th Percentile! Hooray!
- I decided to treat myself to a pedicure and took Faith with me for her first spa experience. She spent the first 20 minutes trying to squirm off of my lap and into the bubbling water at my feet. Fortunately, She did NOT succeed!
- My 6-Year old, Gracelyn, threw her first birthday party ever. She invited all of her neighborhood friends over to sing me "Happy Birthday" and they all gave me cards and pictures that they had drawn. (I'm pretty sure that she made them do this - but it was really sweet!)
- My neighbor invited me and the girls over for dinner with her and her two kids for the first time since we moved to this neighborhood. It was a great evening full of good conversation. She even surprised me with flowers, a birthday card and a really tasty chocolate cake! Let me just say - I LOVE MY NEIGHBORS!!!
- Faith tried cereal for the first time! She was NOT a huge fan. She mainly just gagged on it and spit it back out. I'm hoping it will just take a little bit of time and then she will start to like it, so. . . we will try again tomorrow, and the next day, and again the next day. . .
All in all, It was a great day! I will post some pictures once I get a chance to upload them.