2. The perplexed expression that Faith gets on her face that makes her seem wise way beyond the 7 months that she has been on this earth.
3. The cute bibs that you can buy to celebrate each and every 1st milestone that your child will hit in their first year. Horray for cute holiday outfits!!
4. The beautiful dinner table that my mom, Kim, and my daughter, Gracelyn, set with my mom's wedding china.
7. The HUGE smile that appears on my baby girl's face EVERY SINGLE TIME I walk by her, talk to her or look at her.
8. My younger brother, Trenton, who always makes me smile and who was able to make it home for the holiday even though he lives in Florida.
5. The awesome turkey that my dad, Rick, carved and all of the fixings that my mom slaved over all morning that were eaten off of the nice wedding china.
6. The tolerance that my mom has for the highchair and all of the other baby crap and kids toys that my sister and I store at her house to make it easier for us to make the occasional trip across the state line to visit for the weekend.
9. My mom and dad who have ALWAYS been there for me with their unconditional love even though there have been times where I'm sure I have made this a trying task.
10. My brother Trenton's choice of such an awesome girlfriend, Kristy, who fits in so perfectly as a member of our family.
11. My other younger brother, Bryan, who also always brings a smile to my face and who was also able to make it home for the holiday even though he lives in Iowa.
13. My favorite sister and my best friend, Kelly, and my brother-in-law, Darius, who I get to see whenever I want since they live 10 minutes away (5 min if you don't hit any red lights!)
14. My niece, Katelyn, who is my very first niece and who is such a sweet little baby girl and who will hopefully not only be just Faith's cousin but also one of her best friends for life.
15. My only nephew, Nathan, who has such a fun imagination, who is already a joy to have conversations with at the tender age of 2 and who still gets excited by the littlest of things like the backhoe he gets to drive by every time he comes to Aunt Lindsey's house.
10. My brother Trenton's choice of such an awesome girlfriend, Kristy, who fits in so perfectly as a member of our family.
12. My brother Bryan's choice of also choosing such an awesome girlfriend, Brieanne, who will make a great sister-in-law one day.
16. My friends - both new and old!
17. Both my immediate and my extended family.
18. A warm and wonderful roof over my head and more than enough food to fill mine and my two children's bellies for 3+ meals a day.
19. Love, laughter and all of the joyful and sorrowful tears I have shed in my 28 years.
20. That God gave his only son to save me from my sins.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I am so glad you took pictures of the wedding china -- may not come out again for another 30 years................ And we are thankful for you and your girls, too!