Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy 10-Month Birthday, Munchkin!!

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Faith is 10 Months old today!!!  It’s hard to believe that it has already been 10 months.  It feels more like 10 weeks!  My little Munchkin has been such a happy baby so far – fingers-crossed that it continues!

She has been crawling since Christmas and she is into absolutely EVERYTHING!!  Such a curious little thing. . .

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Her latest ‘trick’ is attempting to climb the stairs.  So far she has only managed to make it to the second stair from the bottom.  Looks like I’m going to have to get the baby gate out a little earlier than I had hoped!!

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She likes to eat almost everything.  For a couple of months, she was eating 8 jars of baby food a day!!  Now, she eats 4 - plus some finger food.  Bananas are her absolute favorite and have been since she first started eating solids.  Lately, I have been trying to get her to drink out of a sippy cup, but so far it has not been a huge success.  She mainly just likes to shake it and bang it on various things to make noise.

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She got her two bottom teeth at 4 months, but on February 18th, her first top front tooth finally made an appearance.  She has been working on it and drooling constantly for about 5 weeks now.  The other top front tooth is also getting close to breaking through, so I expect to see it any day now!

SOOO BIG!!!  ‘So Big’, ‘Pat-a-cake’ and ‘Peek-a-boo’ are some of her favorite games to play.  She also likes to give kisses, which basically consists of her wiping her drool on my face – But I love it anyway!!  Whenever I change her diaper, she will hug a clean diaper to her face and then whip it away with a big smile – like she’s surprising me.

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She definitely knows the word “NO!” and loves to shake her head back and forth whenever I say this!  She also likes it when you shake your head back to her and she will keep doing it for as long as she gets a response.  We are working on waving good-bye right now and sometimes she will do it, but it’s not very often yet.

I have been giving her a bath in her little infant bath tub, instead of the big bath tub, since she was born because it saves on water and it was just faster and easier.  But, the other night I gave her her first bath in the big tub and she really liked it.  Her favorite part was playing with the running water and the tub spout!

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And, Boy, Oh boy – Does Faith love her big sister, Gracelyn!!  The first thing Gracelyn does every morning is to go and play with Faith - if she is up.  Gracelyn is the only one who can get Faith to giggle uncontrollably on a daily basis.  And Faith must have an internal alarm clock because on school days she will start to glance at the front door about 10 minutes before Gracelyn’s bus drops her off and she lights up and gets so excited as soon as Gracelyn walks in the front door!

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It’s been a fun and amazing 10 months!  Happy 10-Month Birthday, Faith Kathleen Rader!!

1 comment:

  1. Katelyn has that sippy cup too!
    also, i just blogged about what a pill katelyn is, way to make her look even worse with your post about happy faith! :) J/K!! I love faith's happy smiling face!
    I can't believe she is 10 months already!
    Do you want Darius to put up your gate this weekend?
