Friday, November 13, 2009

The (Not So Easy) Easy Bake Oven

Today after school, the girls and I decided to throw Gracelyn's Webkinz, "Mittens", a birthday party. Well every birthday party needs a birthday cake, so we busted out the Easy Bake Oven. Here is a before picture of Gracelyn in her apron, all of the Webkinz party attendees and the unopened package of graham cookie smores that we substituted in lieu of an actual cake. Take note of how the cookies are supposed to look.

Step 1 of the instructions says to mix the cookie graham mix with 2 teaspoons of water. Thinking it was easier if I just did this part, I added the water and then Gracelyn stirred everything up.

Once I looked at step 2, I realized that everything was NOT as it should be. I, being the brilliant chef that I am, had accidentally added 2 Tablespoons of water instead of the called for amount. So, basically we were one step in and I already had to alter the directions to accommodate my screw up. Opps! Apparently, The Easy Bake Oven is made easy for 8 year olds and NOT easy for 28 year olds! I'm absolutely positive that Step #1 was a trick to make sure that I was paying attention to Gracelyn while she was cooking. I'm also pretty positive that I am not the only one in the world who has screwed this up - At least that is what I am going to keep telling myself!!

Once I figured out how to correct my mistake and the graham cookie smore cake was finished baking, we were finally ready for the birthday party to start. Gracelyn invited all of her Webkinz, Faith and Grant - her friend from the neighborhood - over to celebrate. We lit a birthday candle and stuck it in the cake and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Mittens and Gracelyn blew out the candle. . . . Then we had to do it all over again so that Grant could have a chance to blow out the candle too.

I'm pretty sure that Mittens had the best birthday party that any Webkinz has ever had. Here is a picture of what the cookies were supposed to look like and of how the cookie/cake actually ended up looking.

And, here is a picture of Faith's favorite part of the birthday party. She spent most of the party trying to eat "Star", one of the party guests. My guess is that Star won't want to come to another one of our parties ever again. Oh well - Her loss!

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