Friday, November 13, 2009

Six Months & Standing!!

No - You do not need your eyes checked. Yes - You saw it right. Faith is 6 months old . . . . . AND STANDING!! She reached this milestone yesterday on Nov. 12th and boy was she thrilled. She had this huge smile on her face and she took 3 little steps along the edge of the little black footstool that she was holding onto. And then she let go and did a total faceplant - Oops! Luckily, I stuck my hand out and caught her before her face smashed into the ground. Gotta love those mommy instincts!

She is also working on mastering the skill of sitting up unassisted. Right now she can sit up for about a minute before she looses her balance and falls over. This is such an improvement from the 10 seconds that she could sit up last week though.

Although Faith has not shown much enthusiasm for eating Rice Cereal, she does enjoy a good cereal bottle once a day. This seems to fill her up pretty good and it gives her a chance to get used to feeding herself. Here is a picture - She took to holding her own bottle from the first day I tried to give her one at around 4 1/2 months.

And here is Faith's favorite new game. One-by-one, she likes to stuff all of the toys on her excersaucer down through the leg holes of the seat - while her legs are in it. Sometimes they get stuck and create quite a toy-jam but she doesn't seem to mind. Every once in awhile I will pull a few of them out and put them back on the top of the excersaucer and she will continue to be entertained as long as she doesn't run out of toys to stick around her in the seat.